What I did find was another dead bird laying on the side of the road. This time it was a Common Grackle Quiscalus quiscula that appears to have succumb to complications from the cutaneous form of an Avipoxvirus. What's up with me finding all these dead birds on my walks? :-(

Since avian pox is contagious to other birds, I used a stick to turn the bird over. I don't know if this particular strain can infect psittacines, but didn't want to take any chances. This is also another good reason to disinfect your bird feeders and bird baths as often as possible (luckily, I have never seen this bird at the feeders or birdbath). Tweet
Hopefully the bird was burned in the trash. It is extremely important to have clean bird feeders. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteAnd the virus spread?. It was lucky that I can find and neutralize it.
Great reminder...and I will get out tomorrow am with a scrub brush...haven't found any dead birds, but do worry about it, and do keep my feeding station fairly clean ...wash the bird bath regularly, sweep up under the feeders...but I haven't washed the feeders themselves (for sunflower seeds and nuts and finch feed) as they're usually empty before I refill. Advice??
ReplyDelete....oh no! I will keep an eye out...
ReplyDeleteI decided to go back and bury the bird. The feral cats get into the garbage around my place.
ReplyDeleteI clean my sunflower feeders once a week depending on whether they get emptied or not (hasn't been much activity with the 70° temps). I have to disinfect the finch feeders once a week with a bleach solution.