I can't believe it's February already! Where did fall end and winter begin? The feeders have been busy this winter, but alas no Pine Siskins, Purple Finches, American Tree Sparrows (only 1 all winter so far) and no Fox Sparrows.
Definitely one of the most mildest winters I can remember, as we have only really had one snow that amounted to anything, and that was just a dusting. Hoping for good birds, I set out that day to see what I could see.
Surprise, the best birds found were "Spring" birds. A couple of Eastern Phoebes were hanging out in a mixed species flock at Stonelick State Park. I was lucky to catch this one in the brief little sun available.

As I looked again, I noticed a second phoebe behind this one on the sidewalk. This would make three total Eastern Phoebes I have seen this January. This is strange, since this bird was missed totally on the Cincinnati Christmas Bird Count this winter.
I think the second phoebe must have seen its shadow, as it didn't stay long.

And, here is a bird find for you. See if you can find the bird in the pic below:

What camouflage!
And here is the bird close up.

American Pipit! Found three of them at East Fork a couple weeks ago.
Ducks have been hard to find this winter, as the water up north hasn't really stayed frozen for any length of time. I have found a few, but none close enough for a pic. Here is a far away Ruddy Duck from a few days ago at East Fork State Park. I like Ruddy Ducks, they are so sassy looking.
